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Message Board > Malarkey > Powerpoint slides are not enough for memory retention

January 20, 2012, 09:36
641 posts
Fact: Powerpoint slides are not enough to retain information. It's like showing the representation of a building as a pencil drawing on a napkin. It's not enough to fully understand the concept. In order to do so, one must fully embrace the concept as one has with other familiar subjects in his life, e.g.: a real building, a computer (for some), a book, the English language (for some). We already fully understand these concepts, because we learned them throughout our lives. It is not enough to flash a concept by your face to remember it, unless you're a genius with photographic memory (but that type of people is extremely rare).
January 20, 2012, 12:31
2094 posts

that's why powerpoints are accompanied with a presentation in which you can take notes of what is said. It is usual to send the slides after the presentation, because they can fresh up your memory.
January 20, 2012, 14:55
641 posts
I personally don't write quickly enough to process all the bla bla from the keynote speaker. :P

Message Board > Malarkey > Powerpoint slides are not enough for memory retention

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